Sunday, January 04, 2015

File Handling in C++

Posted By: BackBenchers World - Sunday, January 04, 2015


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A file is a place on disk where a group of related data is stored.

A stream is a general name given to a flow of data at the lowest level (at the lowest level, data is just the binary data without any notation of data type). Different streams are used to represent different kind of data flow such as whether data is flowing into the memory or out of the memory. There may be flow of data between variety of devices such as terminals, disks, and tape drives. The I/O system supplies an interface to the programmer that is independent of the actual device being accessed. This interface is called stream.

A stream is a sequence of bytes. The stream that supplies data to the program is known as input stream. It reads the data from the file and hands it over to the program. The stream that receives data from the program is known the output stream. It writes data to the file.

Stream Classes
The file I/O system contains a set of classes that define the file handing methods. These classes, designed to manage both the console and disk files. These classes are called stream classes. These classes are derived from fstreambase and from corresponding iostream class.
Stream Class Hierarchy

The functions of these classes have been summarized in table below
The class ios contains most of the actual input/output code. It keeps the track of error state of the stream and converts data for display.
It inherits the properties of ios and contains declaration of output functions put() and write(). It contains overloaded insertion operator >>.
It inherits the properties of ios and contains declaration of input functions such as get(), getline() and read(). It contains overloaded extraction operator <<.
It inherits properties of ios, istream and ostream and hence contains all the input and output functions.
It is a set of buffers to read and write. It contains close() and open() member functions in it.
This is a base class for fstream, ifstream and ofstream classes. So, it provides operations common to these file streams. It also contains open() and close() functions.

It acts as base for filebuf class and provides interface to physical devices through buffers.
It provides input operations for file. It inherits the functions get(), getline(), read() and functions for supporting random access (seekg() and tellkg() ) from class defined inside iostream.h file.
It provides output operations. It inherits put() and write() functions along with supporting random access (seekp() and tellp() ) from class defined inside iostream.h file.
It is an input-output file stream class. It provides support for simultaneous input and output operations. It inherits all the functions from istream and ostream classes through iostream class defined inside iostream.h file.
*File stream classes

Data Files
The data files are the files that stores data pertaining to a specific application, for later use. The data files can be stored in two ways : (i) Text files. (ii) Binary files.
  • A text file stores information in ASCII characters. In text file, each line of text is terminated (delimited) with a special character known as EOL (End of Line) character. In text files some internal translations occurs when EOL character is read or written.
  • binary file is just a file that contains information in the same format in which the information is held in memory. In binary file, there is no delimiter for a line.  Here no translations occur in binary files. So binary files are faster and easier for program to read and write than the text files.

Functions of File Handling
Function Name
If file already exists then open the file else create the file and open it.
Close a file which has been opened.
Read a character from a file.
Write a character to a file.
Read a set of data values from file.
Write a set of data values to a file.
Set the pointer (input) to a desired point in a file.
Set the pointer (output) to a desired point in a file.
Gives the current position of get pointer
Gives the current position of put pointer.

Opening and Closing Files
For using a disk file, we need to decide following about the file and its intended use:

  1. Suitable name for file
  2. Data Structure
  3. Purpose
  4. Opening method
  • File name is a string of characters that make a valid file name for operating system. E.g.  ABC.CPP, XYZ.txt etc.
  • Data Structure of a file is defined as FILE in the library of standard input-output function definition.
  • Purpose includes in which mode the file is to be opened i.e. read, write or append.

Syntax for Defining a File
ifstream object;“File_name”,Mode);
ifstream object(“File_name”,Mode);

If a file is to be opened then a stream must obtained first. There are three types of streams: input, output, and input/output. To create an input stream, you must declare the stream to be of class ifstream. To create an output stream, you must declare it as class ofstream. Stream that will be performing both input and output operations must be declared as class fstream. Once a stream has been created, next step is to associate a file with it. And thereafter the file is opened for processing.

Opening of file can be achieved in two ways:

  •  Using the constructor function of the stream class.
  •  Using the function open().

The first method is preferred when a single file is used with a stream; however, for managing multiple files with the same stream, the second method is preferred.

Opening File Using Constructor
A constructor of a class initializes an object of its class when it is being created. In the same way, the constructor of stream classes (ifstream, ofstream, or fstream) are used to initialize file stream objects with the filenames passed to them.

To open a file, Datafile, as an input file, we shall create a file stream object of input type i.e., ifstream type:
                                ifstream input_file(“Datafile”,ios::in);

This statement will create an object (input_file) of input file stream. The object name is a user defined name i.e. any valid identifier name. After creating the ifstream object input_file, the file Datafile is opened and attached to the input stream input_file.
Now to read from this file, this stream object will be used using the getfrom operator (“>>”)

char ch;

Similarly, when you want a program to write a file i.e., to open an output file (on which no operation can take place except writing). This can be accomplished by creating ofstream object to manage the output stream and associating that object with a particular file.
ofstream outpt_file(“secret”,ios::out);

This would create an output stream object named as outpt_file and attach the file secret with it.
Now to write something to it, the stream object wil be used using put to operator (“<<”)

Opening File Using Open() Function
There may be situations requiring a program to open more than one file. The strategy for opening multiple files depends upon they will be used. If the situation requires simultaneous processing of two files, then you need to create a separate stream for each file. If there is sequential processing of files then you can open a single stream and asociate it with each file in turn. To use this approach, declare a stream object without initializing it, then use a second statement to associate the stream with file.

ifstream abc;                                                       //create an input stream“Menu.txt”,ios::in);                    //associate abc stream with file Menu.txt
                :                                                               //process Menu.txt
abc.close();                                                          //terminate association with Menu.txt“Misty.txt”,ios::in);                     //associate abc with file Misty.txt
                :                                                               //process Misty.txt
abc.close();                                                         //terminate association

This code will let you handle reading two files in succession. But the first file is closed before opening the second file. This is necessary because a stream can be connected to only one file at a time.

Closing a file
A file is closed by disconnecting it with the stream it is associated with. The close() function accomplishes this.
Syntax:    stream_object.close();

Concept of File Modes
The filemode describes how a file is to be used that is to read from it, to write to it, to append it and so on. When you associate a stream with a file, either by initializing a file stream object with a file name or using open() method, you can provide a second argument specifying the file mode.

The second argument of open(), filemode. is of type int, and you can choose several constants defined in the ios class.

File mode Constants
Stream Type
It opens file for reading, i.e., input mode.
It opens file for writing. This also opens the file in iso::trunc mode, by default. This means an existing file is truncated when opened i.e., previous contents are discarded.
This seeks to end-of-file upon opening of the file. I/O operation can still occur anywhere within the file
ofstream, ifstream
This causes all output to that file to be appended to the end. This value can only be used with files capable of output.
This value causes the contents of a pre-existing file by the same name to be destroyed and truncates the file to zero length.
This causes the open() function to fail if the file already exists. It will not create a new file with that name.
This cause the open() function to fail if the file already exists. This is used when you want to create a new file and at the same time.
This cause the file to be opened in binary mode. By default, files are opened in text mode. When a file is opened in text mode, various characters translations may take place, such as the conversion of carriage-return into newlines. However, no such character translations occur in files opened i binary mode.
ofstream, ifstream

Detecting End of File
Detection of end-of-file condition is necessary for any further attempt to read data from the file. End-of-file condition can be detected by using eof() function whose file return type is int. It returns a non-zero (true value) if end-of-file is encountered while reading else returns zero(false value)
syntax: stream_object.eof()!=0; //  condition for occurrence of end-of-file condition 

Error Handling
It is possible that an error may occur during input-output operation on a file. Typical error situations include:

  1. Trying to read beyond EOF (End of File).
  2. Device overflow.
  3. Trying to use a file that has not been opened.
  4. Trying to perform an operation on file, when a file is opened for another type of operation.
  5. Opening a file with an invalid name.
  6. Attempting to write to a write protected file.

C++ language provides some error handling functions to handle these kinds of errors.

  • eof(): Returns true (non-zero value) of end-of-file is encountered while reading, else, returns false(zero).
  • fail(): Returns true when input or output operation is failed.
  • bad(): Returns true if an invalid operation is attempted or any unrecoverable error has occurred. However, if it is false, it may be possible to recover from any other error reported, and continue the operation.
  • good(): Returns true when no error has occurred. This means, all the above functions are false. 
For example, if file.good() is true, all is well with the stream file and we can proceed to perform I/O operations. When it returns false, no further operations can be carried out.

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