Anand Gangadharan (left) and Mohak Bhalla with their portable shoe mobile phone charger |
The two school boys namely Anand Gangadharan and Mohak Bhalla who are just 15-year-old come up with a innovative shoe charger which is capable of charging a mobile phone while walking.
This is a compact device which works on the principal of Electromagnetic Induction. This prototype work as an attachment that can fit below a sports shoe. This portable device is named as 'Walkie Mobi Charger' and generates electricity up to 6 volts which is comparatively more than 5 volts plug point that ensures charging phone battery at a faster pace. It is 15% faster than plug-in charger.
Electromagnetic Induction occurs as a result of compression and relaxation caused by walking, creates pressure on the sponge attached in the middle which produces electricity. Two LEDs, blue and red, indicates the supply of electricity and battery charging respectively.
Source: Hindustan Times
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